Sparkling 酒: Tips & Etiquette for Gatherings Big & Small

  • 2024年3月6日
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Sparkling 酒: Tips & Etiquette for Gatherings Big & Small

By 酒Country Collective 2024年3月6日

Pop, Fizz, Clink! 气泡酒诱人的声音让我们准备好了庆祝,几乎在一天中的任何时候. For that reason, we’ve partnered with our good friends at 葡萄园Carneros, makers of fantastic méthode traditionnelle 来自卡内罗斯的香槟酒,让您的每一刻都成为难忘的体验.

但在你打开瓶塞之前,我想说的是,啜饮起泡酒是一门艺术. To fully savor the wines of 葡萄园Carneros (and any other sparkling wine 或香槟, 就此而言), it’s important to adhere to proper sparkling wine etiquette, aka the “dos and don’t” of all things sparkling. 我们的综合指南将帮助您以优雅和成熟的方式驾驭起泡酒的世界, 无论是在周二喝气泡酒还是参加特别的活动.

葡萄园Carneros | Megan Steffan, Untapped Media
葡萄园Carneros, 图片由 Megan Steffan, Untapped Media

Selecting How Many Bottles to Serve

Ah, the golden question: how much is enough? 我们知道这是每个主人在聚会前问自己的第一个问题, and the answer lies in your gathering’s nature. If you’re having an intimate soiree (4-6 people), consider starting with two bottles, ensuring everyone gets a generous pour or two. Hosting a grander fête? 一个安全的估计是每人半瓶,所以如果你有20个人,10瓶. Or, if you want to live large, 考虑大一点(比如更大的瓶子尺寸),在聚会上喝马格南或耶罗波安. 对于我们这些视觉学习者来说,这个方便的服务图表将帮助你提前计划:

图片由 葡萄园Carneros

商店 葡萄园Carneros’ 大瓶 & 更多的 and cheers to your upcoming celebrations!

The Best Serving Temperature

气泡对温度很挑剔,所以你要正确对待它们. 在饮用之前,将瓶子冷藏到“金发姑娘地带”(大多数起泡酒通常在45-50华氏度之间). 太冷, and you risk muting the wine’s aromas; too warm, and the effervescence may smack you in the face, and that’s just not fun.

Note: if you need to chill your sparkling wine quickly, 你可以用湿纸巾把它包起来,放在冰箱里10-15分钟. It’ll be perfectly chilled and ready to pop. 但请记住, leaving it in too long, especially for an extended period, will cause it to explode, so please don’t forget about it! 另外, before filling your ice bucket, add two cups of kosher salt, 冷水, and lots of ice to speed chilling time. It’ll work like a charm.

在这一点上,我们也可以分享储存葡萄酒的最佳温度. If you’re thinking long-term, store your sparkling treasures horizontally in a cool, 黑暗的地方, preferably around 55°F. 只要确保瓶子能保持恒定的温度就行了, away from light and vibration, which can alter the wine.

葡萄园Carneros | Sarah Anne Risk
葡萄园Carneros, 图片由 Sarah Anne Risk

How to Open a Bottle of Bubbly

我们必须承认, there’s something magical about the sound of that pop, 但要确保它做得正确,确实需要一点技巧. To open your sparkling wine, whether it’s sparkling wine, Prosecco, 或香槟, hold the bottle at a 45-degree angle, 然后轻轻地取出锡箔和金属丝笼,同时将拇指或手放在软木塞上, taking care not to shake the bottle. 这里有一个有趣的事实:所有的气泡酒笼子都可以在6圈内拧开.

现在, 用一块布或餐巾盖住软木塞,防止它过早爆裂, 扭转瓶身(不是软木塞),同时牢牢抓住软木塞. The cork should emerge with a gentle sigh, not a loud pop. 现在, let the festivities commence! 如果你已经准备好给人留下深刻的印象,可以考虑用葡萄园Carneros的酒来开始你的社交活动。 Sparkling Celebration 礼物设置.


Photos courtesy of The Social Sipper; Aperture media; John Bedell

How to Choose the Right Glassware

当该举杯的时候,让我们先确保你拿的是正确的杯子. 我们建议选择专门为起泡酒设计的酒杯, such as a flute or tulip-shaped glass, 因为这些杯子有助于保存葡萄酒的泡沫和香气. We love making a statement with 葡萄园Carneros Etched Flutes. Not only are they glamorous, 但明显的曲线有助于捕捉卡内罗斯庄园起泡酒的复杂性和深度.

当然,你当然可以用任何你喜欢的玻璃器皿喝起泡酒. Just keep in mind that, depending on the wine glass, the bubbles may dissipate more quickly, 比如宽碗状的霞多丽酒杯或香槟杯. If Champagne coupes are your go-to, don’t fret. They’re super fun and festive, 但要注意,泡沫可能不会持续很长时间, 祝酒时小心碰杯,以免洒出来。).

Pouring 葡萄园Carneros sparkling wine
葡萄园Carneros, 图片由 Megan Steffen, Untapped Media

Tips for Pouring Sparkling 酒

倒酒是一种优雅的行为,但也有一定的科学道理. Tilt the glass at a 45-degree angle while pouring, 这有助于保持那些心爱的泡沫,但最大限度地减少溢出的机会.

最初, 你只需要往杯子里倒一半的酒,这样就有足够的空间让葡萄酒呼吸,让泡沫沉淀下来. 不过,在第一次倒完之后,如果你愿意的话,你可以把杯子倒满.

葡萄园Carneros | Megan Steffen, Untapped Media
葡萄园Carneros, 图片由 Megan Steffen, Untapped Media

Tasting Sparkling 酒

We know you can’t wait for that first taste, 但这里有一些建议,可以让你充分利用你的感官之旅. 握住酒杯的杯柄或杯底,避免用手加热葡萄酒, because sparkling wine is best enjoyed when it stays cool. 然后, 哦,如此温柔, swirl the wine in the glass to release its aromas, taking a moment to inhale the bouquet of the bubbly.

现在 for the good part: the first sip. 所有 sparkling wine started as still wine, so the flavors you experience will be familiar, just enhanced by the bubbles. 花点时间注意一下水果、花香和酵母的味道(就像在 2019年勃艮第葡萄酒). 小口就能让你领略到它的味道和泡沫, 让葡萄酒包裹你的味蕾,这样你就能品尝到它的复杂性.

有趣的事实:所有 葡萄园Carneros 起泡酒是用传统的香槟方法酿造的,这种方法被称为传统香槟法. 传统汽酒的葡萄是在较高的酸度下采摘的,这样可以延长葡萄酒的陈酿时间,并使葡萄酒与酒糟接触, with a second fermentation taking place inside the bottle. 这个过程为葡萄酒增加了一定的复杂性,这是其他起泡方法难以复制的.

葡萄园Carneros | Mario Piombo, Aperture Media
葡萄园Carneros, 图片由 Mario Piombo, Aperture Media

Pairing Sparkling 酒 With 食物

Sparkling wine’s versatility is its superpower. From seafood to poultry, light appetizers to desserts, sparkling wine pairs well with a variety of dishes. 选择Brut或 超极干的 with savory dishes and sweeter styles like a 半甜的 与甜点.

葡萄酒小贴士:加药是葡萄酒酿造过程中的一个步骤,将葡萄酒和糖的混合物加入到新吐出的瓶子中. 例如,葡萄园Carneros的超极干的脆片的含糖量最少(0.5%) while the luscious Verméil 半甜的 has the most (2.5%).

葡萄园Carneros | Megan Steffan, Untapped Media
葡萄园Carneros, 图片由 Megan Steffan, Untapped Media


While sparkling wine is a celebratory drink, 总是负责任地喝酒,注意你的酒精摄入量. 如果你要外出,指定一个司机,或者必要时安排其他交通工具. And if you’re visiting 葡萄园Carneros 酒ry in 纳帕 Valley’s Carneros艾娃, 同样的规则也适用:确保提前安排一个指定的司机,以获得最大的体验.


By following these sparkling wine etiquette guidelines, 您将为您的节日时刻注入一点精致的气泡光彩, 一年中的任何时候. Ready to host your own sparkling soirée? Visit 葡萄园Carneros’ 酒楼 将纳帕最好的香槟带回家,参加大大小小的庆祝活动(甚至只是为了让工作日的夜晚感觉更特别)。.